The Saint Bridget School Family Guild is a volunteer organization made up of all current parents, guardians, families, faculty and staff who are committed to advancing the mission of the school to fellow school families and friends. Its purpose is three-fold:
In partnership with the school, the Saint Bridget School Family Guild is committed to creating a community that enriches the lives of the parents, guardians, families, faculty, staff and friends of Saint Bridget School.
What are school hours and the drop off/pick up details?
7:00am - Early drop off - $5/day
7:40am - Students can enter the building.
8:00am - School begins
2:00/2:15pm - Dismissal
11:00am - Dismissal for half day Preschool and PreK
11:00am - Dismissal on half days
Riders info:
Drop Off (for Pre-K-8)
Drive into the St. Bridget parking lot from the Route 9 access road (on Granite Ave. side) and join the line of cars. The line will turn to the right and drive up parallel to the school. Once you are parallel to the school, children can get out of the car. School staff will be there to assist any student that needs help. No car may enter the lot from Wheeler Street. No parent should park in the lot and walk their child(ren) across the car line
Students will enter the school via the side door (Door C).
Note: For the first few weeks, the Pre-K and K teachers will be outside to greet their students and lead them into the classroom.
Drop Off (for PS):
Preschool parents only should park in the lot and walk their child(ren) to the PS door where the teacher will greet them.
What if we are late for Drop Off?
After 8am, children must be walked to the main door (door A). The children will enter and go to the front desk. Mrs. Walsh will write out a tardy slip and then they can proceed to the classroom.
Pick Up:
PS, Pre-K and K are dismissed between 2:00 and 2:05pm. Grades 1-8 are dismissed at 2:15pm. Parents must enter the lot via the route 9 access road (on Granite Ave. side) and park in the lot. Then parents walk up to the school to dismiss their children. Children must remain with their parents after this. Cars must leave the lot via the Route 9 access road. No car may enter or leave the lot behind the church. Parents may not park in the spaces behind the church. Staff will remain with children until all are picked up. If you are late to pick up, the child(ren) will be brought to Extended Day.
Note: if you are picking up only Pre-K and K students, park in spaces closest to Route 9 so you can leave before the other children are dismissed.
Bus information:
Students who live in Framingham are eligible to take the bus starting in Kindergarten. The school supplies the names of those students to the Transportation Department. Busses are supplied for children living 2+ miles from the school as determined by the Transportation Department. Bus stops and routes are also determined by Transportation. Bus routes will be distributed in August, typically the week before school starts.
Note: Children can only ride their own bus and cannot ride home with a friend on a bus other than their own.
What is Early Drop Off Care?
Student supervision will be available every day from 7:00-7:40a.m. Students will be supervised by Miss Ablondi in Rm. 6. The daily cost is $5.
Pre-sign up is not necessary. Students should ring the bell at the Main Door (Door A). As students arrive each day they will be signed in by Miss Ablondi . She will send the list of students to Ms. Garahan at the rectory at the end of each week and any applicable charges will be added to your FACTS account.
What is Extended Day?
Extended Day is open from school dismissal at 2:00pm until 6:00 pm on regular school days. Contracts, pricing and more information can be found here:
What is Visiting Day? (Grades PS-3)
Visiting Day is on Tuesday, August 30 this year. It is a day for you and your child(ren) to see their classrooms, meet the teachers, and to drop off supplies. It is also a great time to meet the Family Guild and see what is being planned for the year. Uniforms are not required. Families with Last Names A-M will come from 9-10am. Families with Last Names N-Z will come from 10-11am.
What are the Uniform requirements?
All uniform requirements can be found on the school website under MY SBS. Used uniforms can be purchased from the Used Uniform Closet. The closet is open in the summer on M-Th from 9-1. Weekend hours will be posted as they become available. New uniforms must be purchased through Lands End and can be ordered online.
What school supplies are needed and when do the students need them?
Every grade has a list of supplies that can be found on the front page of the school website under “Important Links”. Supplies should be brought in on Visiting Day (Grades PS-3) or the first day of school (Grades 4-8).
Do the students attend Mass every week? Can family members attend?
All grades attend morning Mass (9:00am) once per week unless a funeral is scheduled on the day of school Mass. Pre-K/K students will start attending weekly Mass after they have had a chance to visit the church a few times outside of Mass times.
Family and community members are always welcome to attend.
How can parents/guardians get involved?
SBS has a very active Family Guild. Come meet the board of the Family Guild at Visiting Day, the Welcome Back Picnic, and the first FG meeting (date TBD). Parents/guardians and family members can volunteer with the FG for multiple events. Teachers often need volunteers in the classroom also, so be sure to watch your email and the weekly memo so you don’t miss any opportunities!
All volunteers must be CORI’d and take Protecting God’s Children. CORIs can be done with Mrs. Walsh at the front desk. Find a Protecting God’s Children course through this link -
What types of communication can I expect from the school?
Weekly memos will be emailed every Sunday evening. Please read this weekly as you will find calendar reminders, upcoming events, important action items and deadlines, and Family Guild information!
You may also receive Backpack Mail from teachers (school pictures, field trip info, etc.)
Feel free to also join our parent/guardian group on Facebook!
What food should my child bring/is provided to the children?
All students have a morning snack time daily. Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack every day. Juice is not allowed at snack time. Please refrain from “messy” snacks such as fruit cups. Depending on allergies in the classroom, your child may not be able to bring certain things for snacks. Your teacher will let you know if this is the case.
All students should bring a reusable water bottle daily. These can be refilled at water fountains throughout the school.
Hot lunch is available daily. Milk is provided with these meals. Ordering must be done monthly and can be accessed on the Family Portal. If you choose not to do hot lunch, milk can be purchased separately but must be ordered ahead of time. A separate email will be sent out with more information about the lunch program and with instructions on how to order.
Volunteers are essential to our lunch program - please feel free to ask us how you can get involved!
Children are welcome to bring lunch from home any day. There are no microwaves for use by the students.
Students sit at assigned tables with their homeroom. Some classes will have assigned seats at the tables. Teachers will make sure that students with allergies will not be seated with students who have that allergen in their lunch.
There is always a teacher on duty in the lunchroom. Volunteers are also there to help the children and to clean up between lunch periods.
St. Bridget School Family Guild (FG) exists in support of St. Bridget School. This organization provides assistance and activities in conjunction with the Parish Administrator and/ or School Principal. The Family Guild functions within the structure of St. Bridget Parish and is under the direction and guidance of the Parish Administrator.
Each parent/guardian of a student/students at St. Bridget School and each Staff Member of St. Bridget School/ Parish is a member of the Family Guild and is invited to participate in the general meetings, which can be offered in person or virtually or both.
The purpose of the Family Guild will be:
1. To support the Catholic tradition of education as stated in the St. Bridget School philosophy; 2. To provide volunteer efforts for the operation of the school in coordination with the school Principal;
3. To plan and implement activities to enhance the spirit of learning and belonging as approved by the Principal.
The Executive Board will consist of the following positions: President, Vice-President, Vice President of Enrichment, Finance Secretary, and Secretary.
1. President/ Co-Presidents:
i. Presides over FG meetings;
ii. Represents the FG and its views at designated meetings;
iii. Ensures that all FG activities are conducted in good taste and in keeping with the stated purposes of these bylaws;
iv. Shall serve as an ex officio member of St. Bridget’s School Advisory Board; v. Shall serve as ex officio member of all FG committees.
vi. At the May meeting, the President will present the proposed budget for the following year.
Revised July, 2021
2. Vice President (in the event there is not co-presidents):
i. Shares responsibilities with the President;
ii. Performs the duties of the President in the absence of that officer;
iii. Assumes the office of President in the event the President is unable to serve his/her term.
3. Vice President of Enrichment:
i. Oversees all school-wide FG sponsored enrichment;
ii. Presides over all Enrichment Committee meetings;
iii. Oversees and receives reports from the committee chairperson(s) of the designated enrichment activities.
4. Finance Secretary:
i. Works with Business Manager to review monthly financials;
ii. Maintains an accurate record of receipts and expenditures
iii. Tracks, reports and submits all charges needing to be entered into FACTS for events, Giving Tree and gift cards;
iv. Works with Committee Chairs on budgets and expenses;
v. Ensures all expense requests are submitted timely after an event is over;
vi. Presents a statement of account at the FG meetings and at other times as requested by the Executive Board;
vii.At the June meeting, the Finance Secretary will present a detailed accounting for the year’s spending.
5. Secretary:
i. Records and distributes minutes of all meetings;
ii. Records attendance at regular FG meetings;
iii. Maintains a file of all meeting minutes and attendance records;
iv. Performs other secretarial duties as shall be assigned.
v. Prepares and submits the FG portion of the weekly school memo;
vi. Prepares and submits any FG information for the weekly Church Bulletin;
vii.Ensures that benefactors are thanked in a timely manner;
viii.Maintains a file of all correspondence.
The officers of the Executive Board will be elected by members of the general FG, as defined in Revised July, 2021
Article I Section A. The officers will be elected by a plurality vote at the last meeting of the school year or as vacancies occur.
Officers shall be elected for a one-year term in the spring and installed at the final FG meeting of the school year. An officer may be re-elected for a second term but may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Three consecutive absences from FG meetings shall result in dismissal of the Executive Board member from his/her position.
No individual may accept nominations for more than one elected office.
Absentee ballots will be allowed for the election of the officers of the Executive Board only, and under the following rules:
1. The ballot will be a written ballot produced by the current FG Executive Board and available two (2) weeks prior to the election.
2. All Absentee ballots must be received by the FG Secretary or placed in the FG mailbox located behind the front desk, by 10:00am on the day of the election.
3. All Absentee ballots will be opened and counted at the Executive Board election.
Should an election for an office of the Executive Board end in a tie, an immediate call for a second run-off election between only those candidates involved in the initial tied election will occur.
If this second vote does not end in a tie, the candidate receiving the most votes in the run-off election will be declared the winner. However, if the run-off election also ends in a tie, the winner of the election will be determined by a blind draw.
Nomination application forms will be available each year for self-nomination. These forms will be accepted until May 1st. A final candidate list will be published in May, for the final election to be held at the June Meeting.
Revised July, 2021
The FG Executive Board may form committees to work on specific tasks. These committees will:
1. Have a chairperson(s);
i. Chairperson(s) shall serve a minimum of two (2) consecutive years and a maximum of three (3) consecutive years with a possibility of renewal after the third year should no other person be willing to chair that particular event.
ii. Chairpersons should have served on the committee in the past. However, if there is no committee but rather chairpersons only, then consideration for chairperson(s) will be given to any interested individual and will be elected by the FG Executive Board.
iii. If there is more than one volunteer/nominee for chairperson of a given committee, they may choose to serve together as co-chairs of that particular event. If, however, they do not wish to serve together, the chairperson will be selected by a blind draw between the two volunteers/nominees.
2. Provide the Executive Board with a report on any plans the committee is formulating;
3. Prior to implementing any plans, all committees must have a budget approved by both the committee and the Executive Board.
A regular FG meeting will be convened at least four (4) times per year and can be attended in person or virtually;
1. A majority of the Executive Board must be present for a vote to be taken;
2. An Executive Board member may call a special meeting as deemed necessary;
3. The formal meeting portion can involve three (3) aspects; (a) Business; (b) School – things having to do with educational activities in school; and (c) Christian formation for parents and educating their children – parenting.
A majority of the officers, including the Principal of St. Bridget School, shall have the power between regular FG meetings to make decisions relative to any emergency situation that may occur.
Revised July, 2021
These by-laws may be amended at any regular FG meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those FG members present at a meeting or via electronic voting.